Fearless Rock Ministries

Releasing the gospel truth

Releasing His love by transforming hearts through deliverance, inner healing, discipleship & missions.


Inner-healing Deliverance & coaching Sessions

6 month mentorship


One of the most important decisions we will make for ourselves as believers in Christ is the decision to allow the healing process to take place from within no matter how uncomfortable it gets.
— Raquel Orona

coming up soon

& trainings

Check out Raquel’s monthly online workshops that are easily accessible. Click on each photo for registration details, see you there.


elevate your leadership/e-course// coming soon

activate kenya mission trip meeting// january 16th 4:00 PM mST

Live Prayer and Encouragement for Your Marriage // dec 18th 5:30pm mST/6:30pm cst


FREE 3-day: Live 3-Day smashing unbelief webinar // March 4-6th 10:00 aM mST

2 hr on Tuesdays: Empowered Minds Bootcamp// Feb 27th-Mar 26th 9:00-11:00 AM mST

still accepting applications: gila river emerging prophets school //class begins sept 28th


Prophetic Consultation Testimony

"Because I was willing to invest and take that time and seek Him and to allow her to seek Him on my behalf and share the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gave her, it made all the difference. I got some revelation about things that I was holding onto that the Lord was like you have to let go of that before I can put you into this position. And so it was really cool to have that experience. And to know that all was just because I was working with her."

Teri Hepfinger, Sales Director

Serving women since 2012

"Raquel Orona has successfully passed the Prophetic Ministry certification, and I am excited to recommend her.”

Keith Ferrante, Founder